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Работает проверка заявок DV-2024, принятых осенью 2022 года

Интервью победителей DV-2024 — с 01.10.2023 до 30.09.2024

Регистрация заявок DV-2025 — с 4 октября по 7 ноября 2023 года

Проверка результатов DV-2025 — с 4 мая 2024 года


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Центр Грин Кард

ул. Октябрьская, 5, офис 108
Минск, Беларусь

тел. в офисе (017) 327-77-55

e-mail: info@greencard.by

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DV-2020: Скорость движения номеров. Визовые бюллетени
Mikola1981 пишет:


А ещё, на каком языке писали? Русский или английский?

Пишите на английском.
DV-2020: Скорость движения номеров. Визовые бюллетени
1405 пишет:
Уже,но время-времени нет....

Куда обращались? В Киев или Варшаву?
DV-2020: Скорость движения номеров. Визовые бюллетени
Сегодня пришло письмо. Мы из Беларуси.

On September 4, 2020, the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia in Gomez vs. Trump enjoined the U.S. State Department (the Department) from suspending processing of, or denying, diversity visas under Presidential Proclamation 10014 (PP 10014) and ordered the Department to make good-faith efforts to expeditiously process and adjudicate DV-2020 diversity visa applications (DV) by September 30, 2020.  The Court required the Department to give priority to the cases of certain individuals, and your case qualifies for prioritized processing and interview. Because the DV-2020 program expires on, and all DVs must be printed by, September 30, there is a very brief period of time to process your case.

You should be aware that we may nevertheless be unable to issue your DV before September 30 because all travelers seeking visas in Poland are still subject to Presidential Proclamation 9993, which restricts almost all travel from the Schengen Area to the United States. Proclamation 9993 precludes us from issuing a visa to anyone who is physically present in a Schengen country – this includes Diversity Visas. Thus, even though the court ordered the Department to continue processing DVs under PP 10014, your case is still subject to PP 9993 unless you qualify for an exception to that proclamation. For information about exceptions to PP 9993, please see the following link: NIEs Under PP 9993. We cannot issue a diversity visa to applicants subject to PP9993, unless you qualify for an exception.

By entering Poland, you will become subject to P.P. 9993. Warsaw is not permitted to issue visas to people who are subject to P.P.9993, even if they plan to leave Poland and wait 14 days before traveling to the United States. Unless you are eligible for an exception to PP 9993, we will need to refuse your visa. You can see the official State Department guidance about this on this page: https://travel.state.gov/content/trave...pdate.html

If you believe that you qualify for an exception to PP9993 and wish to pursue your DV application, please contact us immediately so that we can provide you with detailed instructions on what you will need to do before your interview.
Мартовцы 2020!, Назначение интервью по DV-2020 на март 2020
Ребята, может кто владеет информацией? Разрешение на выезд для ребёнка необходимо ( мы из Беларуси)? С отцом ребёнка мы в разводе. И нужно ли 8 летнего ребёнка везти на интервью ( в Варшаву)?
Мартовцы 2020!, Назначение интервью по DV-2020 на март 2020
16 марта, Варшава, DS-260 ноябрь, сканы 06.12.2019 CN 11***.
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